[TV HYPNOSIS] Why Blue Beam when a television is enough?

„What happened that made us snap out of it?” asked the Californian, and her partner replied, „We got rid of two tv’s (…). We haven’t had them for three years now.” „Well, you know, our brains were freed. And we realized that (…) something is going on,” the woman summed up.

What do you think they observed when they threw the boxes away? Of course, we’re talking about the pandemic, so they observed panicked, scared people who were only thinking about how to survive during this madness. For details, I refer you to them.

In general, the case of the Californian and her partner is an example of how television influences the mind. And in this text, I will talk about the causes.

The subconscious mind doesn’t differentiate between truth and fiction. Let’s take a simple example: you imagine something. Why do you think imagining the sound of waves or trees rustling works? Because the subconscious mind perceives it as truth. It doesn’t judge; it absorbs everything that comes its way, like a sponge happily soaking up water from the shower.

At this point, one should ask the question: wait, if that’s the case, then isn’t what we see on the screen, what we hear on the radio also being absorbed by the sponge?

„It is!”

„Television is one of the most effective hypnotic tools,” believes Hanan Parvez, a psychologist.

„Your psyche is constantly being shaped by various information you receive from your environment, including television,” writes Hanan Parvez on his blog.

You might argue, well then, everything programs us, starting from school, events in the neighborhood, and ending with reading books. Television doesn’t have to be as bad as you paint it because the form doesn’t matter.

Well, it does matter.

Television is a screen, but the question is: how is it constructed? The television set contains a certain mechanism with a hoop that causes the flickering of the image. More about this in the next text, but for now, let’s see how all of this affects the mind.

Well, it simply induces a state of hypnotic trance. How quickly? Within a few seconds. It puts the brain waves into the alpha state, which is a meditative/deep relaxation state. Do you feel drowsy while watching? If so, well done, you are entering the alpha state, and the content is seeping into your subconscious sponge.

„In this trance state, your subconscious mind becomes highly susceptible to suggestions, and all the information you receive from television becomes part of your memory reservoir,” claims Parvez.

But it doesn’t end there. „Since beliefs are nothing but memories, this information tends to change your beliefs or create new ones when it reaches your subconscious mind.”

In other words, when you’re watching something, YOU ARE BEING PROGRAMMED.

Moreover, let’s note that all the content on television is referred to as programming. If it didn’t influence our brains and our subconscious, would it be called that?

All the above definitions come from the PWN Dictionary.

I am not a hypocrite who, on the one hand, says that television has a powerful influence on the mind and yet watches it herself. Well, I don’t watch the news. Besides, a certain well-known Mr. Carlson also doesn’t watch them. It may seem unbelievable, but that’s how it is. And why? Because he is well aware of what that mush does to the mind, and he talks about it in one of his guest programs. He doesn’t follow TV series, I do. That still doesn’t make me a hypocrite.

The whole issue boils down to awareness. If you become aware of the cause of a disease, the disease disappears or transforms. The same goes for processing the information we constantly receive. If we know that something is a hidden agenda, for example, we don’t surrender to it.

Currently, fewer and fewer people have televisions in their homes, but it creates a new problem for the proponents of certain agendas. People, by using the Internet, enclose themselves in a beautiful information bubble, and moreover, they are able to independently choose the information that reaches them.

How to prevent a lack of influence on the delinquent’s brain?

Very simply, let’s create an epidemic. Let all programs contain information like: global warming is the result of CO2, every family must have a homosexual, and you can only recover by surrendering your life to a doctor, and so on.

Then, the person will have no choice. Who would choose not to watch amazing stories?


Once again.

„The natural consequence of the hypnotic state is the suspension of conscious filters and the inability to critically analyze the information you receive,” says Parvez. „(…) while watching television, you don’t have the opportunity to think because information constantly bombards your mind. You don’t have time to process what you’re watching.”

But on the computer, you do. At any moment, you can press play or stop.

„Your conscious mind is switched off, and the information you receive becomes part of your belief system,” Parvez continues.

So, Californian and her partner not only saw the chaos surrounding the pandemic, they saw people intoxicated. By what? Other people’s thoughts. Those people were so heavily intoxicated that they didn’t stand a chance to stop and reflect.

Parvez poses a very important question: how many times have you done something just because you saw someone doing it on television?

And it’s not just about cooking or cleaning.

Parvez believes that our entire childhood is a period of hypnosis. No, not just because a child watches television and nothing else. Mainly because a young person learns through patterns observed in adults and other people. Of course, it’s a matter of awareness. In some individuals, there is no moment or desire to question what adults do during early childhood, while others have difficult questions that adults cannot answer.

And although there has been a lot from Parvez, I will quote him once again.

„Every day, millions of people are programmed by what they watch on television. They may not try to jump off a balcony, but their lives are a good reflection of what they see on the screen. Find out what television programs a person watches, and you will learn a lot about who they are. Millions of people try to live fictional lives they see in movies, many identify with their favorite celebrities and imitate them, and an countless number accept versions of reality presented to them by news channels.”

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